The progression of dysfunction begins with your food plan & lifestyle which impact blood sugar handling issues that create digestion issues that lead to liver/biliary issues. You must give your body the proper raw material so this progression does not begin.

Dr. Melvin Page, an amazing nutrition pioneer, once described dental decay as the first sign of premature degeneration of the body (Page, 1997). That still holds true today.  Despite the huge expenditures and focus on medical and dental research, Page further shares, there has been little headway in tackling degenerative conditions (Page, 1997). Your oral health is a window into your body’s good health. Dr. Page further distinguishes the difference between diet and nutrition: diet is the food that is consumed, nutrition is the food that the cells utilize (Page, 1997).  It is not about eating until you are full but about nourishing foods the body can utilize and assimilate.

As with anything in life, diet and nutrition are governed by the laws of nature. The cost of ‘disobeying’ the laws of nature include poor health and degenerative conditions (Page & Abrams, 1997). There are three basic raw materials the human body needs when it comes to the laws of nature: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.  Good health demands raw material from all three in proper balance (Page & Abrams, 1997) and from those macronutrients, the body harnesses the vital micronutrients of vitamins and minerals.

Q: What condition(s) can be caused by nutritional deficiencies?

A: Virtually every degenerative condition the body experiences is connected to a nutritional deficiency. Tooth decay is a universal sign of vitamin and mineral deficiencies from excessive intake of white flour, white sugar, processed oils, and the foods that are made with them (Lee & Stolzoff, 1942). The diet is everything (Forbes, 2005)! Dr. Page believed that addressing nutritional deficiencies and supporting the whole client was best measured by balancing their body chemistry (Forbes, 2005). A healthy body has great resistance and fights off degenerative conditions and common illnesses, and an unhealthy body rapidly becomes sick without realizing it (Page & Abrams, 1997). Nutrition is the controlling factor to good health! Pay attention to the signs and correct your body chemistry.

A nutritional plan consists of a food plan which contains all of the essential raw materials the body needs and which does NOT contain substances which is body is unequipped to process, digest, or consume (Page, 1956).  Judith DeCava said it best: “Malnutrition is a direct, straightforward cause – not just an underlying, indirect cause – of failing health, dis-ease, and death (DeCava, 2009).”  If the construction (build up) of cells and tissues exceeds destruction (break down), the result is good health, but if the destruction of cells and tissues exceed construction, degenerative conditions start to manifest (Tyrrell, 1916). The functions of food are to 1) yield energy; 2) to build, or to renew body tissue; 3) to regulate body processes and internal conditions to maintain proper body chemistry (Sherman, 1952). If you are consuming devalued, refined, and processed foods, you are causing more destruction than construction and very well on your way to nutritional deficiencies and degenerative conditions.


Page, M. (1997). Body Chemistry in health and disease (p. 7-9). San Diego: International Foundation for Nutrition and Health (IFNH).

Page, M., & Abrams, H. (1997). Health vs. disease (p. 2, 32-37). San Diego, CA: International Foundation for Nutrition and Health (IFNH).

Lee, R., & Stolzoff, J. (1942). The Special Nutritional Qualities of Natural Foods. Lee Foundation For Nutritional Research, 3.

Forbes, R. (2005). The Magic Bullet Support for Depression and Manic Depression (p. 2, 30). San Diego: International Foundation for Nutrition and Health (IFNH).

Page, M. (1956). Degeneration, regeneration (pp. 57-58). St. Petersburg Beach: The Page Foundation.

DeCava, J. (2009). Good Foods/Bad Foods (p. 11). San Diego: International Foundation for Nutrition and Health.

Tyrrell, C. (1916). The Royal Road to Health (p. 38). New York: Chas. A. Tyrrell, M.D.

 Sherman, H. (1952). Chemistry of Food and Nutrition (8th ed., pp. 416-422). New York: The Macmillan Company.

What are your next 5 steps?

If you desire to improve your health:

  1. Decide you are worth it and fill out the Functional Nutrition paperwork located in the forms section and email:
  2. I will review your information and prioritize your initial consultation. I may request that you complete additional information or forms before I agree to take you as a client.
  3. Say yes to your self-care – you deserve it!
  4. Stop ignoring your body
  5. Begin to improve your health