Lisa Hummel
The Nutrition Musician
Whole Food Supplement Education and Therapeutic Whole Food Nutrition
International Foundation for Nutrition and Health

My Story

I was chronically ill for most of my life. As a child I would get terrible migraine headaches, stomach pain,
fatigue easily, was sick often along with numerous allergies and sensitives. As I got older the symptoms
only got worse and the number of them increased.
During college I realized my health struggle was a huge hurdle in my career aspirations. It frustrated me
that I had to put in so much more effort than my classmates to complete my assignments. Symptoms
such as foggy brain and hypoglycemia made teaching a classroom full of middle schoolers an incredible
challenge. Thankfully, though, despite my health struggles I worked extremely hard to obtain rewards
and accolades, but it wasn’t easy.
Once an adult and a working mom it was unbearable. By the time I was 28 I had cystic acne, an
emergency appendectomy, fractured my sacrum giving birth to my son (due to lack of minerals), severe
migraines, painfully debilitating periods, a miscarriage, depression, anxiety, stomach pain, and so much
more. At that point in my life I had visited a dozen “allopathic” doctors to help me figure out why I felt
SO sick all the time, but even after numerous labs, MRI’s, and other tests, the doctors concluded I was
healthy and my issues were just “in my head”.
One day I was outside swinging my son on the swing and my neighbor came out and we started a casual
conversation. She was a personal trainer and I regularly attended her workout classes. Even though she
wasn’t a doctor I felt compelled to share with her my health struggles: I was doing what I thought was
“healthy” at the time- eating “good” food, working out regularly, so why did I feel so sick all the time?
She told me about a practitioner that LISTENED to her health history, took the TIME to evaluate ALL her
symptoms and got to the SOURCE of her issues. I immediately contacted this practitioner and she was
everything my neighbor said: she took the TIME to LISTEN to my story- all the way back to my
CHILDHOOD! She had a knowledge of the body that I had NEVER heard. I was amazed at how QUICKLY
this KNOWLEDGE helped me feel better. She put me on a 21 day purification program and within THREE
WEEKS I FELT BETTER THAN I EVER HAD MY ENTIRE LIFE. With the knowledge I gained I felt
EMPOWERED and that’s when I developed the PASSION and DRIVE to make this knowledge known to
Since 2013 I have helped numerous others with this knowledge and information. I can’t help every case,
I’m not God, but I have seen incredible results and patients restored with LIFE and VITALITY. We work
together to discover the SOURCE of your condition to treat the CAUSE. Both YOUR health and MY
reputation are at stake so I only accept patients that are willing to commit to the program and provide a
thorough health history of EVERYTHING that is absolutely essential to understanding the case. The
success of Nutritional Therapy largely depends on YOU knowing YOUR body and I am only here to help
EMPOWER YOU with that knowledge!
I’m SO excited to help you start LIVING LIFE!