Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to fill out any forms before my visit?

For Functional Nutrition, you will need to fill out at least 4 forms and email to

See forms section.

Q: What are your business hours?

Mondays & Wednesdays10am – 2:30pm
Tuesdays & ThursdaysBy Appointment Only.
FridaysBy Appointment Only.
Saturdays & SundaysSpecial Circumstances Only.
Home, at Location, or Grocery Store VisitVaries – Email to Schedule.

Q: Do I need an appointment?

Once we have received your paperwork via email – – your initial consultation will be scheduled.

Q: Do you work with ___________ (fill in the blank)?

I do not work with the illness/imbalance/condition itself.  I work with the PERSON who has ___________ (fill in the blank) using functional nutrition.  A whole body walks into my office, not just the ovaries, teeth, brain, prostate, back, head, etc.  I take a approach to total body wellness- spirit/mind/body because the whole body is involved. I seek how the body functions and see why it has moved away from wellness. Once the body is nourished properly, it functions properly.

Q: Where are you located?

Prosper, Texas

Q: What is your Cancellation Policy?

So that I may better serve my clients, 24 hrs. notice is required for a cancellation. If an appointment is cancelled less than 24 hours in advance (and we are unable to fill your appointment slot), or the appointment is forgotten (client does not come or call), there will be no charge the FIRST TIME.  After the first time, the normal fee will be charged.

Q: I am taking vitamins. Isn’t that good enough?

If your vitamins/minerals have any of the following, you are probably taking synthetic vitamins.  If your urine is that ‘bright neon’ yellow, you are probably taking synthetic vitamins.  If you have to take mega doses of the vitamins, you are probably taking synthetic vitamins.

Vitamin             Synthetic Vitamin Name

Vitamin A          Acetate, Retinal Palmitate, or Beta Carotene

Vitamin B1        Thiamine HCl or Thiamine Monomitrate

Vitamin B3        Niacin

Vitamin C         Ascorbic Acid or Pycnogenols

Vitamin D          Irradiated Esgosterol

Vitamin E         d-Alpha Tocopherol, d-Alpha Tocopherol, or d-Alpha Succinate

Judith DeCava said it succinctly: “Regardless of the seemingly good initial response, using ‘high potency’ synthetic vitamins will, in time, bring a person into that ‘intermediate zone’ where the effects begin to reverse.  This partially explains the confusion between natural and synthetic vitamins.”  –  Going Back To The Basics of Human Health by Mary Frost.

Q: Low dose, whole food, phytochemical supplement Q&A

What are Standard Process products made from? These supplements are derived from organic plant materials. Organic farming methods with low-till cultivation, natural fertilizers, compost, and mineral-rich soil insure that the plants are nutritionally complete and free of synthetic pesticides and toxins. In addition, RNA, glandular extracts of specific glands and organs, tissue extracts, and protomorphogens (PMGs) are incorporated into some of these products. These are patented protein extracts that are the building blocks of glands, organs and tissues. They provide the specific determinants to improve the nutrition to specific glands, organs and tissues. These also provide the broad array of synergistic nutrients that are naturally found in these glands and organs. These extracts are derived from specialized beef herds.

How are plants made into supplements? Upon harvesting, nutrient-rich plants are washed immediately and promptly processed to preserve their high nutritional content and integrity. Processing is accomplished using an exclusive, patented, low-temperature, high-vacuum drying technique. This technique and the patented equipment to complete it preserve the plants’ vital nutrient content. Plant nutrients include but are not limited to enzymes, coenzymes, vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, fat-soluble activators, sterols, sterolins, phytochemicals, and all other known and unknown nutritional synergists in their proper balance as only nature provides.

Are the products safe? To insure quality and safety, expert microbiologists and chemists continually conduct on-site bacteriological and toxicity tests of raw materials, product batches, and finished products. To insure highest quality, vitamin and mineral analyses are constantly conducted (especially after each batch is made) to guarantee each product’s nutritional content.

Why are so few nutrients listed on the label? The reason store-bought supplements can maintain supposed high-potency is because the vitamins are synthetically produced in exact amounts. While this may seem to be a more powerful product, all synthetic and fractionated products are incomplete and not compatible with the human body. The reason is obvious – these chemicals lack their natural nutritional counterparts (like enzymes, synergists, fat-soluble activators, trace minerals, etc.) that allow for proper digestion and assimilation into the body.

With whole-food concentrates, only the major nutrients are listed on the label of each product. Since nutrient content can vary slightly from batch to batch (all plants are slightly different), listing the exact amounts of all the hundreds (or thousands) of nutrients in each product would require a new label for each bottle. Whole food concentrates like these contain not only the main nutrients, but all the naturally-occurring nutritional counterparts as found in plants and nature. Examples are vitamin B4, enzymes and coenzymes like CoQ10, minerals and trace minerals activators like tyrosinase (the precursor to organic copper), all the plant flavonoids and carotenoids like vitamin P and beta carotene, amino acids, fat-soluble activators, unsaturated fatty acids, and a myriad of other known and unknown factors and phytochemicals that make plants the perfect nutrient source for humans.

What about potency? Store-bought synthetic or fractionated nutrients are so totally lacking in enzymes and nutritional synergists that they are barely used by the body. That is the reason why such high doses are needed for any of the vitamin to be utilized. In many cases 95 to 99% of the product is wasted. High-dose synthetics or fractions can induce powerful nutritional deficiencies as they scour the body for synergistic nutrients that they need to be utilized. The mgs of the major nutrients are listed on the labels, but mg-comparisons to synthetic products are not beneficial. If a comparison would have to be made, most experts feel that whole-food supplement mg potency is about 100x more powerful than synthetics.

With live, vital nutritional supplements made from food, the uptake and usefulness in the human body is insured. That is the real reason why a totally complete, totally safe, and extremely low dose (as occurs in nature) supplement is really the super, high-potency product. In the end it is not what and how much is on the label. Rather it is what and how much gets into the bloodstream to heal your body.

Q: What methods of payment do you accept?

  • Cash, Zelle, Venmo
  • MasterCard, Visa, Discover, HSA

Q: Do you take insurance, Medicaid or Medicare?

No, we do not accept insurance as a form of payment for treatment at this time. 

Q: Which foods should I eat to optimize balanced body chemistry?

Food could be medicine or poison.  With nutrition counseling, you will gain the knowledge of what to eat for your body to achieve optimized balanced body chemistry.


Recommended Links:

In the ever-changing field of nutritional sciences, it is often difficult to find trustworthy sources centered in a whole food philosophy.  There are several organizations that are worthy of mentioning. Each provide a wealth of research, online newsletters, memberships, books, seminars and conferences, articles, etc.  Some even offer distance learning, webinars and certification programs. I am sure you’ll find these resources very valuable.